Would You Like Some Pie?

Fridge Fetish

A follow up to fridge fetish: This is what happens when both persons in your two-person household buy groceries from the same grocery list. The fridge is literally filled to the edges of each shelf with produce.

Basically, my sister is on a strict healthy diet and needs lots of fruits and vegetables. They filled both crisper drawers and the one halves of both lower shelves. I had witnesses to how much groceries my sis and I bought and I had to pack away just because she was running off to somewhere else. It was a monumental task just to fit everything in and make sure everything is accessible and organized (fruits with fruits, veggies with veggies, onions not with potatoes. Except I had to place some defrosted raw fish above fruits and veggies because it was lighter and fitted in the upper shelves).

How boring can I be? Blogging about my fridge? That's cuz I'm done school and no longer need to procrastinate on studying but procrastinating on job hunting har har. At least I didn't create a twittering toilet.

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