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Good ol' French Toast

Not recommended for those with white-foods only diets.

What a nice and sunny weather! I decided to make some brunch and it turned out so nicely I took a pic of it under the sun! The bread might look really brown like burnt toast... but it's actually burnt sugar on french toast! I used to make french toast the Hong Kong cafe way - coat with eggs then deep fry in oil. I learned the traditional way from my aunt:

For one serving, you need:
2 pieces of bread (even if stale!)
1 egg
sugar (I used brown sugar)

How to:
  1. Heat a frying pan at medium. Grease with butter. When frying stuff, it is important for the grease to be hot enough so your food won't end up absorbing it.

  2. Whisk egg and sugar in a flat dish. Add lots of sugar if you've got a sweet tooth!

  3. Dip both sides of bread in egg, then place in pan.

  4. Stay close to the stove! The sugar burns quickly, so you'll be getting burnt toast before you know it -- like one of mine.

  5. When it looks brown and no liquid egg is left, flip and cook the other side until desired burnt-ness.

  6. Serve with jam, syrup, honey, icing sugar, or any sweet or savory spread you like. Goes well with your favourite breakfast food!

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