Within the past 48 hours, I completed two research papers - one from scratch - and survived on a total of 7 hours of sleep. Strangely, these were the closest to all-nighters that I've had in my final year. Maybe that shows I'm a good student? O:-D
One of my research papers is a full on scientific experimental study. I am a double major student, and one of those majors is Psychology. Honour students at my school need to conduct a study and write a research paper to graduate. This was probably my only major fear in my post secondary career. I went through some difficulties, and I panicked like maaaaaaaaad - near hyperventilating, near tears, near suicidal. When you're trying to run a statistical program and you don't understand stuff, seeing this on wiki does not help:
This is so cliche, but it really described how I felt in the split second my 50 pages of work were done printing -- empty. Mind says: "So... that's it?"
I am done.
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