Would You Like Some Pie?

I came up with this exact hair style one morning before school around 4-6 years ago. I also started wearing my hair in a bun with a thin headband one day 5-6 years ago, before it was trendy. I'm guessing I'm ahead-of-my-time in hairstyles? Is that my talent then?? What a waste of time taking Physics and Calculus. Psshh.

This is so freaky but I am so curious! One thing I don't wana do to my hair is teasing it. It's frizzy enough; I don't need more damage! Been hearing a lot of positive reviews...

Bumpits™ Hair Inserts are self gripping leave-in, volumizing hair inserts that give you instant volume and let you enjoy feeling confident and beautiful, like you just stepped out of a professional salon!
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